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Feed items 41 - 46 of 46 for June 2008

Telegraph Health

Health news and information from

Joint clinic - June 2, 2008

Joint clinic with osteopath Kristian Wood. Week 14: Clicking joints

Angelina Jolie proves that pregnancy can be hell on feet - June 2, 2008

Angelina Jolie's shoe problems strike a painful chord with Judith Woods.

Finger on the Pulse - June 2, 2008

After signing a petition against experiments on animals, Max Pemberton has second thoughts

Spa spy - June 2, 2008

Our health sleuth investigates the curative claims of wellbeing retreats.

DNA testing: A dip in the gene pool reveals what I'm made of - June 2, 2008

A $1,000 DNA test told Cassandra Jardine about the health problems she is likely to face - but also why her body is genetically programmed to handle drinking coffee.

Bridal boot camp: and the bride wore fatigues - June 2, 2008

To shape up for her big day, Rebecca Howard went to extremes and joined a bridal boot camp.
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- June (46 items)
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