The Legal UndergroundUpdated only when there's time(Untitled)- June 18, 2008 SUMMER ASSOCIATES, KEEP READING . . . From Legal Blog Watch, "Roundup of Advice for Summer and Permanent Associates"-- Summer may be here, but school isn't out for law students by a long shot. As summer associates, law students still... (Untitled)- June 17, 2008 AT MY TRIAL PRACTICE WEBSITE . . . "A Book All Trial Lawyers Will Want to Read." (Untitled)- June 16, 2008 THE WEEKLY LAW SCHOOL ROUNDUP . . . The Weekly Law School Roundup alternates between Legal Underground and divine angst, where Kristine has posted this week's Weekly Law School Roundup 125. The next installment will appear here soon, so be... (Untitled)- June 12, 2008 AT MY TRIAL PRACTICE WEBSITE . . . "Filing Online in Illinois: Not Quite Ready for Primetime." Two Reports from Mexico City: Report 2- June 10, 2008 To repeat from the last post, last week, my wife and law partner, Andrea Lamere, and I were in Mexico City for seven days. Follow the continuation below if you're interested in reading a duplicate of the second report I... Two Reports from Mexico City: Report 1- June 10, 2008 Last week, my wife and law partner, Andrea Lamere, and I were in Mexico City for seven days. Follow the continuation below if you're interested in reading a duplicate of the first report I wrote and posted on the (private)... (Untitled)- June 10, 2008 AT MY TRIAL PRACTICE WEBSITE . . . . "Illinois Lawyers: Discovery Depositions Can Rarely Be Used as Substantive Evidence." The Weekly Law School Roundup 124- June 8, 2008 Here's your weekly list of good posts from the past week by law students, some current or almost current, some recently-graduated-- Mac Thinking about the next computer. A (non)Token Minority Law Student Overabundance Hard times ahead for new lawyers The... (Untitled)- June 2, 2008 THE WEEKLY LAW SCHOOL ROUNDUP . . . The Weekly Law School Roundup alternates between Legal Underground and divine angst, where Kristine has posted this week's Weekly Law School Roundup 123. The next installment will appear here soon, so be... |