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Feed items 11 - 17 of 17 for May 2008

The Legal Underground

Updated only when there's time

The Weekly Law School Roundup 121 - May 11, 2008

Here's your weekly list of good posts from the past week by law students, some current or almost current, some recently-graduated-- The 2L Year Goodbye to all that. Sfrajett's City 2.0 Stranglehold Alternatives to LexisNexis and Westlaw. The Shark Law...

(Untitled) - May 9, 2008

IN THE MAGAZINES . . . Tired of reading weblogs Why not read some articles from the magazines (plus a newspaper too), free on the Internet-- Bubbles The next big crash. Harper's Neurotransmitters Things to know about mood medications. The...

(Untitled) - May 8, 2008

AT MY TRIAL PRACTICE WEBSITE . . . "Class Actions, Post-CAFA."

(Untitled) - May 7, 2008

FOUR YEARS AGO AT LEGAL UNDERGROUND . . . Ah, the good old days, when blogging still seemed fresh and new-- May 7, 2004 "Advice to Federal Judges 1." The advice for federal judges didn't end with here. For more,...

(Untitled) - May 6, 2008

AT MY TRIAL PRACTICE WEBSITE . . . "Motion Hearings: Listening to the Judge."

(Untitled) - May 5, 2008

THE WEEKLY LAW SCHOOL ROUNDUP . . . The Weekly Law School Roundup alternates between Legal Underground and divine angst, where Kristine has posted this week's Weekly Law School Roundup 120. The next installment will appear here soon, so be...

(Untitled) - May 1, 2008

AT MY TRIAL PRACTICE WEBLOG . . . "Six Tips for Improving Your Direct Examinations."
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