ReFocusing . . .- March 24, 2008 I'm folding the purpose of this blog into my newest effortMy Evolution.There will still be a spiritual focus, like here, but from a more personal perspective.I'll also be offering the best nutritional advice I've ever found plus a shiny business opportunity . . .I leave you with this quote and hope to see you soon at My Evolution:Souls who focus their vision upon the Sun of Reality will be the recipients of light no matter from what point it rises, but those who are fettered by adoration of the. Hopelessness . . .- March 21, 2008 This is not the resumption of daily postingmore healing is necessary for that. . .Had to post about what's been burning on my heart:Whensoever ye behold a person whose entire attention is directed toward the Cause of God; whose only aim is this, to make the Word of God to take effect; who, day and night, with pure intent, is rendering service to the Cause; from whose behaviour not the slightest trace of egotism or private motives is discerned -- who, rather, wandereth distracted in the... Spirit Test- March 19, 2008 The obscuring clouds of medical issues preclude my regular posting.Hopefully, not for long. . . Children . . .- March 16, 2008 I'm starting with a prayer for all the children:O God! Educate these children. These children are the plants of Thine orchard, the flowers of Thy meadow, the roses of Thy garden. Let Thy rain fall upon them; let the Sun of Reality shine upon them with Thy love. Let Thy breeze refresh them in order that they may be trained, grow and develop, and appear in the utmost beauty. Thou art the Giver. Thou art the Compassionate. - 'Abdu'l-Bah (Compilations, Baha'i Prayers, p. 32)The best of people live.. Women . . .- March 15, 2008 For far too long, women have been irreverenced by men:When she was still a child her father selected a teacher for her and she studied various branches of knowledge and the arts, achieving remarkable ability in literary pursuits. Such was the degree of her scholarship and attainments that her father would often express his regret, saying, "Would that she had been a boy, for he would have shed illumination upon my household, and would have succeeded me!" ('Abdu'l-Bah, Memorials of the Faithful,. Travel the Road of Unity Reach the Land of Peace- March 14, 2008 After Unity is established, Peace reigns...Actually Living Peace demands a lot:Be thou a summoner to love, and be thou kind to all the human race. Love thou the children of men and share in their sorrows. Be thou of those who foster peace. Offer thy friendship, be worthy of trust. Be thou a balm to every sore, be thou a medicine for every ill. Bind thou the souls together. Recite thou the verses of guidance. Be engaged in the worship of thy Lord, and rise up to lead the people aright. Loose thy. Unity is Truth- March 13, 2008 Unity is the Big Solution; Unity is the precursor of Peace; Unity is the Truth of All Religions . . .Praise thou God that at last, through the divine teachings, thou hast obtained both sight and insight to the highest degree, and hast become firmly rooted in certitude and faith. It is my hope that others as well will achieve illumined eyes and hearing ears, and attain to everlasting life: that these many rivers, each flowing along in diverse and separated beds, will find their way back to the... Moving . . .- March 11, 2008 Packing...Paying rent...Moving in...Relocating all of 3 miles !Should have a new post by Thursday the 13th.In the meantime, you could look back in this blog or visit the new and more personal blog:My Evolution . . . Mercy . . .- March 10, 2008 Mercy is what we get when faults are overlooked.2 That which Allah openeth unto mankind of mercy none can withhold it; and that which He withholdeth none can release thereafter. He is the Mighty, the Wise. (The Qur'an (Pickthall tr), Sura 35 - The Creator)Justice itself can be a Mercy.God, however, as has been pointed out in the very beginning of these pages, does not only punish the wrongdoings of His children. He chastises because He is just, and He chastens because He loves. Having... Justice . . .- March 9, 2008 What is JusticeBeing the American I am, shame ascends when I look at our country's "justice".The swirling inequity in the world would gladly destroy our earth !You Judge:If at this moment a wild Arab were to enter this place with a drawn sword, wishing to assault, wound and kill you, most assuredly I would prevent him. If I abandoned you to the Arab, that would not be justice but injustice. But if he injure me personally, I would forgive him. (Abdul-Bah, Some Answered Questions, p. 271)Strive. |