TyromaniacTruth will triumph in the end... after everybody has leftGood news: I may be dumb, but Radio is dumber- October 14, 2005 I think I have solved one of my problems with Radio. If you see this post is because my uploading problems seem to be over. At first I thought it was all my fault. You see, I had tested my FTP server, but I normally use SFTP (FTP through an SSH tunnel), now the difference when you use FTP in a local machine (or through) an FTP tunnel is that you are not going to the special directory FTPRoot, but to your normal directory structure. FTPRoot makes the connecting machine think it is the root of...http://alfredo.octavio.net/2005/10/14.html#a4111 Britain's Secret Service Indeed! Spy on It on Its Web Site- October 14, 2005 Britain's Secret Service Indeed! Spy on It on Its Web Site: Britain's Secret Intelligence Service introduced its first publicly accessible Web Site.Very cool website, but how do you go from denying your existence to advertise on the web And what is the purpose of the site More importantly, will we get a blog any time soon I am deep inside one of North Korea Nuclear reactors. Don't have much time to post, must destroy this thing before... Shit, Wi-Fi in North Korea is spotty at best!http://alfredo.octavio.net/2005/10/14.html#a4110 20th Anniversary of Windows- October 14, 2005 20th Anniversary of Windows:Happy birthday Windows! Who would have thoughthttp://alfredo.octavio.net/2005/10/14.html#a4109 |