A Number of Articles Related to PuzzlesArticles about logic puzzles, mind benders, brain teasers, jigsaws, sudokus and other twisters that make you think.Anagrams- December 17, 2007 An anagram is a list of letters that can be formed into a word. While in the past, anagrams have been used as codes, today they make delightful puzzles. Anagramshttp://www.puzzle-place.net/anagrams.htm Word Games- December 10, 2007 There are numerous kinds of puzzles and word games. Crosswords, jigsaws, word searches, the list of puzzles goes on and on. Puzzles provide enjoyment to people of all ages. Thousands of people solve daily crossword puzzles published in their local newspapers. Word Gameshttp://www.puzzle-place.net/word-games.htm Palindromes- December 3, 2007 There are many challenging word puzzles. Possibly one of the most difficult to create is a palindrome. A palindrome spells the same word backward as forward. For example, take the word: RACECAR Spell it backwards, and you have: RACECAR Palindromes are extremely rare, but can be found in everyday words. Some of the simpler palindromes are: MOM DADhttp://www.puzzle-place.net/palindromes.htm |