The Scotsman - Lettersopinion-letters:LettersIrony of Brown's outrage- July 4, 2008 I gave a wry smile when I heard Gordon Brown condemn Robert Mugabe for his failure to allow the Zimbabwe electorate the freedom to express its view (your report, 30 J ID cards already here- July 4, 2008 It is good to know there is lively opposition to identity cards (your report, 1 July) but, alas, in Scotland they are already with us. Trust children on books- July 4, 2008 J K Rowling, Terry Pratchett, Philip Pullman et al are right to oppose "age banding" for children's books (your report, 3 July). By and large, children wil Disastrous failures in NHS- July 4, 2008 Nicola Sturgeon (Letters, 30 June) makes a robust case about the awareness and speed of researching the problems of C. difficile in hospitals and care homes, while e Wind-farm study tainted- July 4, 2008 Your report about the Macauley report on building wind farms on peatland (1 July) put the case for covering Scotland in wind turbines. The report was predictable, as, Burns- July 4, 2008 Is it not time that a campaign was started to have Prestwick Airport renamed Robert Burns' Airport in 2009, this being the 250th anniversary of his birth There are airpor Be motivated by altruism- July 4, 2008 In his article on global warming (Focus, 1 July) Cardinal Keith O'Brien writes: "As faith leaders we will work with politicians." It would have been more Tory diktat from London- July 4, 2008 I was surprised to discover Davena Rankin was "selected" as Conservative candidate for the Glasgow East by-election (your report, 2 July). I now understand the What's in a name- July 4, 2008 I could not agree more with Hamish MacLeod (Letters, 1 July), about the improper and uncivil spelling of names beginning with "Mac". I have fought the same bat Rush to renewables- July 4, 2008 In the leisurely debates on energy supply policy in parliament and in your columns, there is a remarkable lack of a due sense of urgency. The wealth of industrial nations has |