The Scotsman - Commentopinion-comment:CommentBlogosphere- July 4, 2008 ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, TOP US BLOGGER, ON BARACK OBAMA Horrors of abuse that shame our 'caring' professions- July 4, 2008 How did authorities manage to miss a case of sex abuse against two young sisters for 30 years, asks Michael Howie The diary- July 4, 2008 Seduced by the Glasgow Kiss What is to be done Well here are a few ideas to start with- July 4, 2008 TO THAT question of enduring resonance: What Is To Be Done Chancellor Alistair Darling already has the stare of a man condemned. We are hurtling towards recession, its length How innovation can help us keep lights on for future generations- July 4, 2008 NOBODY likes the fact life is getting more expensive. Wholesale energy prices are rocketing because of massive growth in demand for oil, gas and coal from countries such as C Between the lines: The future is black as coal comes in from the cold- July 4, 2008 COAL is king again. Or is it This week's announcement by ScottishPower that it has signed the "largest-ever coal supply contract" to buy Scottish-sourced coal sup Alternative take- July 4, 2008 (THE REV) FREDK D SHEWAN calls for an end to the war in Afghanistan Scrutineer: Taking eyes off the ball- July 4, 2008 Goals Soccer 247.5p -1.5p Greene King 433.25p +33p Scotsman archive- July 4, 2008 EDINBURGH FLOCKS SOUTH, 4 July, 1949 Eyewitness: Moscow- July 4, 2008 RUSSIA and the West are losing each other yet again. The magnetic attraction and repulsion between the two has been going on for centuries. Indeed, historians have counted as |