University of Illinois NCAA NewsNews on University of Illinois Sports continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Student Football Tickets Reach 5,000 Sold- June 11, 2008 University of Illinois ticket office officials announced today that over 5,000 student season tickets have been sold for the 2008 football season. Loyalty important to Studwell- June 9, 2008 When Scott Studwell came out of the University of Illinois he never imagined that he would play for the Minnesota Vikings. The old college try- June 8, 2008 Climbing out of deep holes has become Montez Murphy's trademark. So, it should come as no surprise that the rookie import defensive lineman is enjoying a solid first week at Edmonton Eskimos' training camp. U' of Illinois head football coach, arrives on board- June 7, 2008 USS JOHN C. STENNIS, at sea - ' It's not every day a famous person checks aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier; it's not every day the crew of USS John C. Stennis gets to meet a famous person while underway. Time Change Announced For Mizzou-Illinois Game- June 5, 2008 The kick time for the University of Missouri and University of Illinois football game on Aug. Grain prices grow, but so do risks- June 3, 2008 With corn at record prices, Jay Johnson's vast grain warehouse looks a little like Ft. |