Tulane University NCAA NewsNews on Tulane University Sports continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Marcus Harrison headlines Bears' draft signings- July 5, 2008 A note at the end of Marcus Harrison's text messages reads 'Chasing billions like millions don't matter!' The Bears can't fault the 6-foot-3-inch, 310-pound defensive tackle for thinking big.http://www.topix.net/ncaa/tulane/2008/07/marcus-harrison-headlines-bears-draft-signings?fr... NFC's Ledford commits to Tulane- July 3, 2008 North Florida Christian linebacker Cody Ledford announced his intention to sign a football scholarship at Tulane University in February.http://www.topix.net/ncaa/tulane/2008/07/nfcs-ledford-commits-to-tulane?fromrss=1 Team manager to AD: After graduating from Tech, Jim Oakes returned to serve for 14 years- July 1, 2008 After rising from football team manager to Louisiana Tech athletic director, Jim Oakes will say goodbye to the hallowed halls of Thomas Assembly Center today after 14 years of running the school's programs.http://www.topix.net/ncaa/tulane/2008/06/team-manager-to-ad-after-graduating-from-tech-jim... |