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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for July 2004

The Hedgehog Report

Analysis of Maryland and National Politics

Update Your Bookmarks - July 12, 2004

If you are seeing this post, it means that you are at a now defunct archive page of this website. I have switched over to Wordpress and you can find the new location at here. Update Your Bookmarks!...

Some Polling Information - July 11, 2004

Beautiful weather here in Columbia has kept me away from the computer and television. Plus it actually felt pretty good not watching or reading any news for a couple of days. You all should try it out sometime. Here are...

Parade Of State Polls - July 9, 2004

Busy, busy day has kept me away. Here are a slew of polls from today that I was able to cobble together. Hopefully I did not miss any. Let me know if I did. First, Rasmussen Reports released two more...

Fellow Democrats Continue To Rip O'Malley - July 8, 2004

Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley is still getting heat from his fellow Democrats over his comments that he was more afraid of President Bush than he was of Al Qaeda. From The Baltimore Sun.Comptroller William Donald Schaefer is refusing to allow...

More From Rasmussen - July 8, 2004

The "wave" of Rasmussen polls continue with ones from Maine, Iowa, and Missouri.MAINE Kerry 46% Bush 45% IOWA Kerry 48% Bush 44% MISSOURI Bush 48% Kerry 44%That Maine poll mirrors the results of another poll done in June that showed...

Bush Opens Lead In AP Poll - July 8, 2004

Despite AP's efforts to try and spin this poll in as negative as possible for President Bush, the results have got to be just devastating for the Democrats to see. The latest APIpsos-Reid actually has the ticket of BushCheney gaining...

Minimal Bounce For Kerry - July 8, 2004

The latest Zogby poll just came out and the bounce from Kerry's pick of Edwards was a whopping two points.KerryEdwards 48% BushCheney 46%When just the names of Kerry and Bush are used, the results are similar.Kerry 46% Bush 44% Kerry...

Was It A Hoax - July 8, 2004

This story just gets stranger by the day. From MSNBC.The strange disappearance of Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, reportedly kidnapped in Iraq nearly three weeks ago, grows even more mysterious. Senior Pentagon officials tell NBC News, a man claiming to...

Democrats Want Press To Stay - July 8, 2004

Here's a shocker, Maryland Democrats are sticking up for their toy soldiers in the "mainstream" media. From The Baltimore Sun.Maryland's two highest-ranking legislative leaders angrily insisted Wednesday that they will go to court to stop him if Gov. Robert Ehrlich...

Kerry Leads In MA - July 8, 2004

As mentioned earlier, while President Bush clings to a razor thin lead of 55%-37% in his home state of Texas, Senator Kerry is having just as much trouble in his own home state of Massachusetts.Kerry 60% Bush 31%Rasmussen, June 1-30,...
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