The Scobleizer WeblogHuman Aggregator of geek lifeWhat's it like to use a Tablet PC- December 10, 2003 Mark Wansfell: "What is it like to use a Tablet PC on a daily basis" Maybe we should have a film crew follow a Tablet PC user around for a day. ActiveWords a Winner Again- December 10, 2003 ActiveWords gets more good PR -- named to top 10 software packages of 2003 by WinPlanet. Congrats to my friend Buzz Bruggeman. Next version of Direct X- December 10, 2003 Beyond3D reports on the next version of DirectX. HP Ad mentions Blogging- December 10, 2003 Douglas Bowman took a picture of an HP billboard in San Francisco. It asks: "You Blog, Don't You" Gartenberg on new Tablet- December 10, 2003 Michael also makes me jealous. He's been trying out the new Toshiba Tablet PC. Office XML schemas now public- December 10, 2003 Sasha Corti points out that the Office XML schemas have now been made public. Gartenberg says Scoble's suggestions would be horrible for Longhorn- December 10, 2003 Michael Gartenberg: "Making some of the changes that Robert describes would I think actually be a big step backward in getting Longhorn adopted." MVPs now writing support articles- December 10, 2003 Francis Ouellet says that MVPs are now writing articles for Microsoft Support. That's good. The MVPs spend the most time of anyone in the newsgroups and they become very expert on the most popular issues that are hitting users and developers. The Blogging Process- December 10, 2003 Dave Pollard writes about the blogging process. That sounds pretty good to me. Text America Requires Logins Now- December 10, 2003 Sean Alexander is bugged that Text America is now requiring logins to leave comments on moblogs. |