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Feed items 1 - 10 of 20 for June 2008

Memphis in Julymust be Laptops - (Found June 19, 2008 )

The digital age has provided me the opportunity to learn through a vibrant and expanding network of amazing minds - my personal learning community. The chance to engage in conversations with colleagues from around the world through blogs, skype, twitter, etc. has exposed me to many ideas that push my boundaries ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286399

Sprout - (Found June 19, 2008 )

I just got my invite to take a look at Sprout, an interesting little widget builder that can take a number of resources and make them &8220;flashed&8221; - essentially you could use this to replace PowerPoint or Keynote if you want to deliver webcentric presentations. If you combine this with Yahoo Pipes or custom feeds ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286391

Pic of the Week - Dalis Clock - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Dali&8217;s ClockOriginally uploaded by idarknight. Well, with the weather warming up, everything is starting to melt and the kicker is that it&8217;s raining outside today. The last time that I was in the rain this winter London. So I thought this was only appropriate. From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286385

Google, whats with the deal with slow scripts - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that various Google apps - Reader, Mail and iGoogle are not playing nice with Mac browsers - at least on Macbook Pros This has happened on two machines that I support - to the point where FF and Google are not playing nice and locking up ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286386

A first look at Spore - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Wired seems to have got the scoop - at least on the screen shots and associated blurbs. I almost picked up Endless Ocean last night, but wanted to read a review first. The reviews all say that it&8217;s an incredibly unique game that fills a niche that is unfilled, just as Spore does, of creativity ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286387

Spore Disperses Sept 7 - (Found June 19, 2008 )

According to theGuardianand on the official site aswell. From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286388

Throw Sugar out the Window - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Wired is reporting that the XO rev that is Windows capable is now getting field tested. Wired is saying that this is likely as much to do to ensure that kids in the developing world are &8220;hooked on Windows&8221;. While, I would agree - not being an MS fan - I think there might be ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286389

Aperture 2 - first impressions - on an old Mac - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Well, Aperture 2 is certainly impressing me so far on my old mac - Power Mac G5 (Dual 2 with 2GB RAM and a 64MB video card). There is still a lag when you want to start into some of the more processor intensive tools, but the wait is considerably shorter than what it was ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286383

FireFox3b3 - (Found June 19, 2008 )

After having issues with Google and FF2, I decided to try 3b3. Having read that 2 was not very stable and not good on Flash, I tried b2 and watched it die a nasty death on Facebook and several Flash sites. b3 however seems to be running along fine and so far is not having ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286384

Aperture 2 is out - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Apple has got Aperture 2 out now. There is an upgrade price for us Aperture 1.5x users, so I&8217;m thinking that the Education price on this is going to be pretty good as well. It looks like the minimum specs are about the same, so older hardware should be able to run it&8230; not ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286390
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