Feeling the warmth- (Found June 19, 2008 ) I have never been to Australia&8230;at least not until yesterday (today). Some students at our school are participating in the upcoming middle school writing workshop of the 1001 Flat World Tales project, along with another Canadian school, four US schools and two schools from Australia. After assuming the unofficial role of workshop coordinator - ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286392http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286392 A New Year- (Found June 19, 2008 ) I am never sure just how to feel when we return to school in January. The Christmas Break was much different for me this year - I hardly &8220;worked&8217; at all. I spent the break enjoying time with my wife, our kids, my new &8220;wiki&8221; (see previous post) and reading about trains and travel in ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286400http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286400 A Wiki for Christmas- (Found June 19, 2008 ) My wife has long shared my love of animals, yet resisted adopting one due to her allergies. While we do have several fish, since my cat passed away three years ago I have not been able to replace him with either a cat or a dog. Last night before our family dinner, a ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286401http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286401 Extended classrooma tale of connection.- (Found June 19, 2008 ) I can be guaranteed to get a reaction from students, colleagues or parents when I talk about learning in the new digital landscape. With ever-increasing connectivity and digital spaces, I have no doubt that going to a physical &8220;school&8221; on a daily basis for an education will be an option for many students. ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286396http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286396 what Pink Thinks- (Found June 19, 2008 ) I am excited about tomorrow&8230;.and not just for ANOTHER dump of snow that most teachers and students hope will cancel school. On Sunday noted edublogger Karl Fisch, who calls Arapahoe High School in Littleton, Colorado home, finally made mention of a kewl new project involving two 9th grade honors Language Arts classes at AHS and Daniel ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286397http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286397 Trying not to sink- (Found June 19, 2008 ) My recent lack of blogging activity has even resulted in a couple of people have inquired as to my health. Truth is, I am fine, just slightly overwhelmed. There has certainly been no lack of blog fodder, with many ideas flowing through my cranium. It&8217;s just a pure lack of time. With my day ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286398http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286398 Overwhelmed Glad its Friday!- (Found June 19, 2008 ) As I was sitting at my desk - staring at my screen - I began to feel a bit overwhelmed. Open was my twitter, skype and netvibes (my current feedreader). I have found lately that skype and twitter have pushed blogs (including my own) to the background. Like our kids, I like the immediacy ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286393http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286393 Connected to the Top of the Earth- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Breaking down the walls of the classroom and having students connect with the world is one of the powerful learning opportunities afforded by Web 2.0. Fredericton native Brian Jones is taking his concern for the environment and for student learning to a whole new level in a couple of months when he embarks on ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286394http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286394 Wanted: International Middle Schools for 1001 FWT- (Found June 19, 2008 ) A little over a year ago Korean educator and edublogger Clay Burell and myself were playing around with a number of collaborative tools together online. It was interesting to connect with someone around the world, a full twelve hours away. From there both he and I have gone on to develop vibrant and ... From: Whip Blog, February 20, 2008 286395http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286395 Idea Sex - yeah the title got my attention too- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Leave it to The Escapist for titles like this now eh First from the article: No.2 &8230; Keep the classroom, but change it and everything around it. Make the money in education slosh a different way. Have schools, colleges, communities, businesses and all other parts of the education system talk to each other a little ... From: EDITing in the Dark, February 20, 2008 286382http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/edurss02.cgi?rd=286382 |