Altered States NewsNews on Altered States continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.'Hulk' actor: 'It's not a party'- June 16, 2008 William Hurt doesn't suffer fools. Actor William Hurt, who plays Gen. Thaddeus Ross, arrives at the premiere of 'The Hulk' on June 8, 2008. Snap Judgment: J.J. Abrams' 'Fringe'- June 5, 2008 Looking at the trailer for J.J. Abrams' new fall Fox drama Fringe , my first thought was: Are you sure it's not supposed to be called "Syringe" Look, there's a guy injecting himself with some horrible ... J.J. Abrams Brings Us To The Fringe- June 3, 2008 The Fox network is looking to get serious about it's Sci-Fi offerings later this year by bringing us Fringe : A new TV series by none other than the super creative team of J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto ... |