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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for July 2008

The Review

Current events, politics, news, and economics. Served up 24/7. Well, except for the bits when I'm sleeping.

How do our soldiers do it - (Found July 8, 2008 )

(Review) Victor Davis Hanson asks how our soldiers do it.At this point, I must ask, how do our men in arms do what they do We so often forget that their dilem

Destroying black youth - (Found July 8, 2008 )

(Review) Economist Walter Williams writes that all the affirmative action programs in the world won't be of much help to minority youths whose opportunities

Bad News for job Seekers - (Found July 8, 2008 )

(Review) The econoboys were unpleasantly surprised by the weak employment numbers this morning.The nation's unemployment rate (search) shot up to 6.4 percent in J

Wanted: Dead or Alive - (Found July 8, 2008 )

(Review) Twenty-five million smackers. That's the reward the US is offering for Saddam Hussein's head. Uday and Qusay are going for 15 mil a pop.

Not as bad a Nick Kristoff seems to think - (Found July 8, 2008 )

(Review) Ralph Peters writes that we shouldn't take counsel of our fears about how things are going in Iraq. They are evidently going a lot better than the big media
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- July (15 items)
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