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Feed items 11 - 20 of 20 for July 2008

Web fonts FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions about Web fonts.

Why doesn't Trebuchet MS display on my Mac - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: The first thing to check is that your style sheet syntax is correct using an online CSS checker. If you have Trebuchet MS installed on your Mac, it is likely you have not quoted the name of the font. Font names that have spaces in them must be placed in quotes. Regrettably, some Windows Web browsers tolerate un-quoted font names in CSS, which can be misleading. Strict browsers that follow the W3C font-family recommendation to the letter expose the error.

Is there one font that is available on all systems - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: The combined font survey results show that Courier is the most common font available for all platforms, though on Windows you would use Courier New.

How many alternative fonts can I specify - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: The number of alternative font-family names is unlimited in principle, though there comes a point when the likelihood of the extra fallback fonts being displayed is vanishingly small. Browsers will use the first font name that is matched in the font-family declaration. If you list the most common fonts at the start of the list, it is less likely that rarer alternative fonts would be matched later on. If you prefer a less common font to be used in favour of a more common font, put it at the...

What are the default fantasy fonts - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: The Cascading Style Sheet recommendations are designed specifically to deal with this problem, because ultimately there is no way to know what fonts are available to any specific Web browser installation. The generic font family scheme provides a reasonable last resort.

Do I have to buy a program to display Monotype Corsiva - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: With Cascading Style Sheets there is no need to buy or distribute any software to set the text of your site to Monotype Corsiva. However, you should not use this cursive font for the main body text of your page, because it is not very legible at small scale. To set level three headings in this font, for example, use the following style rule:

How can I calculate the size of fonts with em lengths - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: There are some additional notes on the em and ex length units in the CSS font-family glossary. The key thing to be aware of with these proportional length units is that the pixel dimensions of fonts rendered on screen will depend on the default font size setting for the browser and any custom size setting made by the user. This is actually one of the great advantages of font-based length units; they will adjust to users' preferences. You can also use the same length units to size your page...

How can I use my custom font in CSS - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: A font must be installed on the end-user's computer to be available for display in their Web browser. It is not likely that people will download and install your font just to view your Web site. If you want to display a preview of the font before they download, you could create rasterised samples of the font as image files.

My font is not supported by all machines! - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: If you specify any named font, you can be sure that some computers will not have it, which is why Cascading Style Sheets are designed to name a series of alternative fonts and a common generic font family. If your preferred font is a sans serif type, look-up other sans serif fonts that are available on other platforms. Use the Code Style font sampler to choose alternative fonts that look similar to your preferred font, see the sans serif font sampler for instance.

Why doesn't the Terminal font show in Netscape - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A: Terminal is a common font on Windows systems, but it is not a TrueType font, which may be the reason it is not rendered in Mozilla-based browsers. Terminal is rendered by Internet Explorer and Opera and is relatively common, see Windows font survey results for the latest figures.

Navigation - (Found July 8, 2008 )

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