The Wednesday ReportDefence and Foreign Affairs Analysis, Aerospace and Defence Industry NewsIraq Experiment First Strategic Weapon In Global War on Terrorism- (Found July 8, 2008 ) -- What one single thing would annihilate al Qaeda's recruitment campaign -- Progress In Iraq: Training Iraqi Forces -- More Iraqi Officers Graduate in Amman, Jordan -- Aerospace Industry (Boeing) Helps With Hurricane Relief Chemical, Biological, Radiological And Nuclear (CBRN) Terrorism- (Found July 8, 2008 ) A starting point for a broad ranging look into Threat Scenarios, Detection, Super Diseases, BZ Gas, Anthrax, Botulism, Ebola, Glanders, Hantavirus, Pneumonic Plague, Ricin, Small Pox, Tularemia, Typhoid, VX Gas, Tabun-Sarin-Soman. Land Mines Removal Technology - A White Paper Library- (Found July 8, 2008 ) An anti-personnel mine is an explosive device designed to maim or kill the person who triggers it. Mines are indiscriminate in terms of target and time. They go on killing and maiming-soldiers and civilians, men and women, adults and children alike-decades after the fighting has ended. Canada In Afghanistan - Operation Apollo- (Found July 8, 2008 ) On October 8, 2001 Canada quickly began a military action in support of its U.S. neighbour which had come under attack on September 11, 2001. Canada's contribution to the campaign against terrorism. Canada's initial commitment for the coalition involved about 2,000 CF members. Navy units were the first to engage in the campaign against terrorism. Deployments to Afghanistan began immediately and Canadian Soldiers arrived in that country alongside American brothers-in-arms. Replacing Marine One- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Replacing the Venerable Sea King - Marine One. (MV-22 - VH-60Ns - US101 - S-92A) Either new-build helicopter, the EH Industries EH101 or the Sikorsky S-92 meet the specs. and could do the mission admirably. When its time arrives, this will be a substantial procurement by a truly excellent client which needs a significant number of airframes as well as life-time support for the largest flying unit of the U.S. Marine Corp. Needless to say, even without a selectiondecision date competition is... Al Qaeda - Victory in Spain - London and Washington in Danger- (Found July 8, 2008 ) London and Washington now in real danger from Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda takes well its lessons learned from experiences, good and bad, and will do a replay on its tactics which have previously worked. March Summaries: Coalition Losses in Iraq To Date; Afghanistan Al Qaeda Update; Canada Reaffirms Commitment to Afghanistan; Iraq Governing Council Annoyed That U.S. Is Releasing Detainees; and more. Warning of an imminent Al Qaeda Attack on North America- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Another Al Qaeda Attack Warning is Apparent: The rising bloodshed in Iraq shouldn't persuade our view away from the home front. Standing guard with watchful eyes in North America needs to be everyone's responsibility. -- Einstein space test launch gets excellent start. -- U.N. Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on the Job -- Bin Laden statement and more. Canada Overhauls Homeland Security- (Found July 8, 2008 ) It Is Time To 'Fish or Cut Bait' on Global Security: Canada must make a contribution in Iraq. -- Canada Dramatically Alters Security Posture -- Highlights of New Canadian Security Policy -- Corrupt "Oil For Food" Under U.N. Investigation -- Anan says 'Don't blame U.N. and the Secretariat' -- 1st Challenger 300 Delivered To Corporate User -- U.S. Navy Awards Atlantis SAITS Contract -- and much more The Psychoanalytic Roots of Islamic Terrorism- (Found July 8, 2008 ) What kind of culture produces human bombs, glorifies mass murderers -- Abu Ghraib prison custodians in Iraq commit atrocities. Some recent images from Iraq are gruesome as hell. Others are outrageous. -- U.N. Participation in Iraq Taking Form -- Canadian Troops to Stay in Haiti -- Bremer: Security in Iraq -- and much more Canada and the Anti-Missile, Missile Defence of North America- (Found July 8, 2008 ) North American Missile Defence System: Canada in the BMD Regime -- The Video Recorded Murder of American Hostage Nick Berg by Abu Musab al-Zarkawi -- Canadian Forces Mission in Haiti: Update -- Chemical Warfare Agent Test Subject Gets Cash -- CF Buys UAV from Arizona-Based Firm -- Cdn Defence Research and Development: Update -- Standardizing Global Radio Frequency Identification -- China Airlines To Add Two More 747-400 Freighters -- Canadian Helicopters EMS Service Excels -- MH-60s... |