Stanardsville NewsLocal news for Stanardsville, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Power Outages and Damage Reported Due to Storms- June 18, 2008 Dominion reports more than 2,700 power outages, mostly centered in the eastern half of Waynesboro. in & Around Greene- June 13, 2008 June 12 Thursday, June 12 at 7 p.m. there will be a Flag Burning with the help of American Legion Post 128 and Boy Scout Troop 174 at Ruckersville Fire Department. Farmers and foodies eat a royal local feast- June 11, 2008 Last night, at the Toliver House restaurant in charming Gordonsville, about 50 people gathered to celebrate the bounty of food and drink that's locally produced. Strawberry Festival 2008- June 5, 2008 Frank Demko had his eye on the sky mid-day Saturday. Demko had spent the last four months organizing the Stanardsville United Methodist Church's 18th Annual Strawberry Festival, and thunderstorms - possibly ... Get Ready for the Strawberry Festival in Stanardsville- June 2, 2008 If you're a strawberry fan, this festival is for you. People got to work in Stanardsville Friday, prepping pies, cakes, and all kinds of baked goods for Saturday's Strawberry Festival at the United Methodist ... |