Unity Orphanage Launches New Haiti Wesite!Unity Orphanage in Port de Paix, Haiti is a leader in the developing world application of technology. whether it is using Skype for internet telephony, visiting short-term missions accomodations, or their Christian Radio Broadcasts, Unity Orphanage Ministries is a example of what can be accomplished when local residents use the tools of technology to improve their condition. Be sure to visit their new website, you will be blessed.Solving The Digital Divide With "Internet Canning Factories!"- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Definition: A "Canning Factories" is a location that downloads and saves Internet sites to CD for viewing by users not connected to the Internet. The article discusses the establishment of "canning factories" in the developing world.http://missionarynet.org/internet_canning_factories.htm Christian Web Masters- (Found July 8, 2008 ) More Christian Newshttp://www.christian-web-masters.com/rss/index.php A Cure For Short-term Missions- (Found July 8, 2008 ) A Better Method For Doing Short-term Mission Work.http://www.missionarynet.org/a_cure.htm Using A Computer Lab In International Mission Ministry- (Found July 8, 2008 ) There are three action words in the Great Commission (go, make, and baptizing) and notice that two of them can be done through the internet. This article is about some ideas that may help pastors launch a internet based ministry in their congregation.http://www.missionarynet.org/Computer_lab__in.htm Technical Roll Call- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Before you bring a lab do an assessmenthttp://www.missionarynet.org/technology_considerations_for_th.htm Internet "Canning Factory".- (Found July 8, 2008 ) What to do in a place without Internet or where it is very expensivehttp://www.missionarynet.org/internet_canning_factories.htm When Your Mission Lacks Internet Try "Internet In A Can".- (Found July 8, 2008 ) If your church is bringing a computer lab to a place without Internet or where it is very expensive then be sure to read this article!http://www.missionarynet.org/Internet_in_a_can.htm Free Technical Help For Missions- (Found July 8, 2008 ) If your church is planning a mission trip be sure to check this out!http://www.missionarynet.org/computerlabemail.htm Jesus Was A Teacher- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Teaching was such an integral part of His person that nearly 50 passages refer to Him as "teacher".http://www.missionarynet.org/jesus_was_a_teacher.htm Going On A Mission Trip Take A Computer Lab With You!- (Found July 8, 2008 ) This article describes how easy it is to locate free used computers and configure them into a robust computer lab.http://missionarynet.org/buildalab.htm |