US labour news from LabourStartWhere trade unionists start their day on the net.Trumka: Workers will come together in 2008 Vote- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: AFL-CIO Two Boston Sheet Metal Workers Risk Lives to Save Rail Passenger- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: AFL-CIO Ohio Jobless Rate at 15-Year High; McCain Plan May Kill 8,000 More- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: AFL-CIO Barack Obama makes organized labor nervous- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: Blogging Stocks House debates religious schools labor union role- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: Scranton Times-Tribune Teamsters Rally In Support of Bud Workers- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: IBT McCain and the NRA are soul mates in union-busting- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: reader writer Obama tilt toward Rubinomics stirs warning from organized labor- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: Bloomberg Video: Painter's union members in Ohio show support for Obama- (Found August 19, 2008 ) Source: Ohio AFL-CIO |