Bad MoneyA celebration of graffiti currency and other off-the-wallery(Untitled)- May 9, 2004 GOODBYE RADIO, HELLO MUNU Bad Money is now Bad Example. The new address is Please update your links andor bookmarks accordingly. What's changing The URL, the look, the software, the name, and the load time (much faster). What's not changing The graffiti currency, love notes, precision guided humor, filthy lies, and dirty-minded smart-assery. I want to state for the record that Radio is not inherently bad blogging software. It's got some nice features, and... (Untitled)- May 9, 2004 HOW I VOTED I'm gonna go ahead & buy myself a peck of trouble here and explain my votes in the IMAO T-shirt Babe contest. Overview: There were 2 parts to the contest. One was a "hawkish statement" and the other was a picture of the contestant. I gave them both 0-10 ranking for each contestant, and added up the scores to determine the winner. I lost the little post-it note with the numbers on it, so you'll have to do without that. I'm also not going to mention the 15 girls I didn't vote.. (Untitled)- May 8, 2004 PLAYING ELSEWHERE I'm posting at Bad Example today. I'll work up a nice "good-bye Radio" post later. I gotta get to work now. Meanwhile, go forth & enjoy my wit. (Untitled)- May 8, 2004 CITIZENS against UNCLEAN NETWORK TRASH ROTFLMAO! Some actual letters to the FCC about the now infamous Oprah "tossed salad" episode obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. Look through a few of them. Link via the never safe for work Bacchus of Erosblog. (Untitled)- May 8, 2004 MY FIRST POST ... is up at Bad Example, and I already got my first troll. Ok, so it was me. Anyway, the Bartender has it more or less functional, so I hope to attempt the crossover this weekend. Meanwhile, feel free to become the second troll. Or third. Whatever. I'm just happy to be getting my comments e-mailed to me again. (Untitled)- May 8, 2004 MEANWHILE AT ALLIANCE HQ Friday linky stuff Filthy Lie Round-up: Evil Glenn's First Post. This is the highest quality assortment of goodies in a long time. Don't miss 'em. New Filthy Lie assignment: Evil Glenn's Fed-Ex Package (Untitled)- May 8, 2004 BLOGLESS SALLY'S FILTHY LIE One of the Alliance's blogless Sympathetic Civilians (Sally) asked me to post her filthy lie for her. Since it's a good first effort, I see no reason not to: (Glenn Reynolds, Harvard, circa 1991 sitting on his beanbag of the blackest ice still awaiting his throne) ...Tap... tap... tap... "Ahhh the trusty old BBC Micro. Muwahahaha! Bow... down... before... the... Evil... Internet... Overlord!!!! Heh, indee......" ....CLICK.... ....Reconnection noise. (Untitled)- May 8, 2004 EVIL GLENNS FIRST POST (A FILTHY LIE ASSIGNMENT) I wandered into Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon the other night, mostly to check out the damage from the comment party. Looked like the clean up was coming along fine, although the guys in the HazMat suits were a little creepy. Anyway, I figured a Guinness and some of Matty O'Blackfive's war stories would do me good. But Matty wasn't there. So I inquired politely of the Bartender... Harv: Hey Bartender! Where the f is Matty He was supposed to.. (Untitled)- May 6, 2004 TODAY'S LOVE NOTE (Introduction) Love is like gold - rare and treasured. Yet there is not just one piece of gold, but one that is unique to each person. Once you find yours, treasure it, and do not let it go. (Untitled)- May 6, 2004 TODAY&146;S GRAFFITI CURRENCY www.boohoodynamite www.julius bragg "Yes, Mr. Kerry, I do know who you are, but is already taken, and these are the only two domain names we have left." |