Bad MoneyA celebration of graffiti currency and other off-the-wallery(Untitled)- May 4, 2004 IMAO T-SHIRT BABE ANNOUNCED The results have been posted at IMAO. I didn't vote for the winner, but you probably won't be surprised that everyone else did. You heard it first from Tommy Shaw. Dare I reveal how I cast my ballots & why (Untitled)- May 4, 2004 KING OF THE BLOGS ROUND 1 RESULTS are up at the King of the Blogs home page. In addition to my craptacular blathering, you'll find: Belief Seeking Understanding's bonus fetish Susie's "cut to the chase" numerical rankings Pietro's eloquent & entertaining analysis of the entries And a complete absense of Mr. Stuffy. (Untitled)- May 4, 2004 IRAQ VS. VIET NAM A top 10 list from America's 1 pin-up girl. I'm partial to 2 myself: John Kerry got two paper cuts and a stubbed toe last week, and hasn't received a single Purple Heart for his pain and anguish. (Untitled)- May 4, 2004 TODAY'S LOVE NOTE (Introduction) notez bien: I'm stealing this one whole from Linus of Pepper of the Earth. While I never actually put this one in Beloved Wife's little mailbox, I really like it because it reminds me of Led Zeppelin's "Thank You", which was the first song I ever dedicated to Beloved Wife - way back when she had just become Beloved Girlfriend for the first time back in 1986. Just Add Water Ingredients: 1 mountain... (Untitled)- May 4, 2004 POP CLASSICAL Lynn of Reflections in d minor does some pondering on whether classical can (or even should) have broad popular appeal. I'm indifferent as to the size of classical musics audience, but I don't think it can ever be very large. The joy of classical music is that it takes a certain amount of intellectual effort to follow the melody and to take pleasure in the little tricks the music performs as it progresses from beginning to end. This means two things - you have to pay attention,.. |