Quick update- July 7, 2008 I have been employed at Citigroup for 14 days now. I still do not have a network login, nor an access badge.http://talesofinterest.wordpress.com/2008/07/07/quick-update/ School update- July 2, 2008 Guess I should&8217;ve posted this sooner. My much-ballyhooed return to college has been cancelled for the time being. I gave it a try, for about 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn&8217;t realize that University of Phoenix is the online equivalent of acommunity college in rural Alabama. This really wouldn&8217;t be a problem if I wasn&8217;t saddled with ...http://talesofinterest.wordpress.com/2008/07/02/school-update/ Stalled out on the starting line- July 1, 2008 I need to use my downtime effectively, so you may see me posting a bit more in the coming daysweeks. You see, I&8217;ve started my new job at Citigroup. (yay!) However, this is Day 6 and I have neither access into the building nor do I have access to log into a computer, which can really ...http://talesofinterest.wordpress.com/2008/07/01/stalled-out-on-the-starting-line/ |