Stephen Forte's WebBlogSex, Drugs, and .NETCorporate Terrorism- March 16, 2004 Corporate Terrorism Nobody likes terrorists, something that I was unfortunately reminded of during my time here in Europe . Basically violence is not the answer to getting your cause heard. I made the same claim against Environmental Terrorism. Most people would consider themselves an environmentalist (as I do) but prefer to protect the environment by recycling and giving money to organizations like the World Wildlife Fund. I do... Well, Duh.- March 16, 2004 Well, Duh. eWeek ran an article on Friday saying how users are willing to wait for Yukon and Whidbey. Well duh. I blogged on this last week and someone disagreed with me, but I stick by my original statements. Think of it this way, Whidbey is due in early 2005 (1st half so lets estimate AprilMay). Visual Studio 2003 shipped in April 2003, that is ONLY 2 YEARS between cycles. Part of me wants them to push it back... Free Internet at Charles De Gaulle Airport- March 14, 2004 Free Internet at Charles De Gaulle Airport WiFi rocks. The Internet should be free everywhere. (Actually I think that they want to charge me but have a poor firewall.) I demo Whitehorse at CTTP in the Netherlands tomorrow. Microsoft Ship Dates Falling Like Dominoes-STOP- March 11, 2004 Microsoft Ship Dates Falling Like Dominoes-STOP Yesterday Microsoft announced that Whidbey and Yukon will now have a ship date of the first half of next year. Whidbeys official name will now be Visual Studio 2005 and Yukon s official name will be SQL Server 2005. Predictably, blogland and the media made an event out of this. Why I ask So do we as developers care that the ship dates have moved Not.. Let the Sun Shine (Part II)- March 8, 2004 Let the Sun Shine (Part II) A while ago I predicted that Sun Microsystems was headed to disaster when Moodys lowered Suns credit rating to that of a Junk bond. Well Friday S&P did the same. Hopefully Sun will wake up and smell the coffee on Linux, when they have a real Linux strategy, they will no longer be doomed. Brown Girl in the Ring- March 7, 2004 Brown Girl in the Ring In 1985, two British climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates became the first climbers to summit Siula Grande (appx 22,000) in the Peruvian Andes. On the way down Joe took a bad fall and broke his leg very badly. Simon who should have left Joe attempted an amazing rescue effort. Simon tied two ropes together and lowered Joe 300 feet at a time. While on belay, Joe fell off a cliff and was hanging while Simons anchor was getting more and... De SDGN heeft een Europese primeur!- March 5, 2004 De SDGN heeft een Europese primeur! Tijdens deze conferentie zal de eerste Europese demo van Whitehorse gegeven worden. Whitehorse is de codenaam voor een nieuwe tool van Microsoft die gereleased zal worden als onderdeel van de volgende versie van Visual Studio.NET. Whitehorse is het antwoord van Microsoft op de vraag naar producten voor Application Lifecycle Management. Whitehorse brengt UML-ontwerp, code en deployment bij elkaar binnen Visual Studio.NET. . Developers, Developers, Developers- March 3, 2004 Developers, Developers, Developers Remember when Steve B ran around stage and chanted this over and over. Microsoft is all about developers. DevDays in NJ is tomorrow and it is pretty much by developers for developers. Looking foward to showing Whitehorse and BizTalk again. Last year, more than 70,000 developers across the world attended Tech-Ed (I spoke at 3 of them!) to and this year, between TechEd 2004 and DevDays 2004, another 100,000 developers will gather. Im an IntelliSense Junkie- March 2, 2004 Im an IntelliSense Junkie At least according to my quote in InfoWorld, I was interviewed as part of an article on the . NET Report Card (view it here in PDF.) So after 2 years (. NET shipped just over 2 years ago), where does . NET stand According to InfoWorld, we are looking at about a B to B+ grade overall (see the report for the details). I speak at lots of conferences and user groups and only . |