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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for July 2008

This Modern World

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The Uprising - July 7, 2008

I highly recommend David Sirota&8217;s new book The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington. Many progressive political books, and just about all conservative political books, are crap and not worth the paper they&8217;re printed on. That&8217;s because politics is as simple as tic tac toe, and there&8217;s never ...

Shoot them all in the head - July 6, 2008

The wisdom of Glenn Beck, here.

Really - July 6, 2008

This was a surprise Bryan Carisone, a heating and air-conditioning contractor in Raritan, N.J., absolutely loves his new GMC Denali XL, an extra-large sport utility vehicle with televisions built into the leather seats. But in June, one week after he bought it, he pulled into a station on a near-empty tank and watched the total climb ...

The patriotism of excess - July 4, 2008

On the field before the All-Star Game, Major League Baseball plans to assemble the largest gathering of Hall of Fame players in baseball history. And as fans salute their heroes, the former players will join the crowd in saluting the American flag one that is roughly 75 feet by 150 feet, as long as ...

Hitchens undergoes waterboarding - July 4, 2008

Just in case the revelation that American torturers took their cues from that model of moral clarity that was the Chinese Communist regime hasn&8217;t fully convinced you that the practice is unquestionably, incontrovertibly evil, Christopher Hitchens&8217; column in the August 2008 Vanity Fair, &8220;Believe Me, It&8217;s Torture,&8221; ought to drive the point home. That is, ...

Barry Crimmins Personal Revenge - July 4, 2008

Recently the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment for the rape of children is unconstitutional. Barack Obama immediately said he disagreed with the decision. Barry Crimmins explains his perspective here: Does it really matter The decision has been made and won&8217;t soon be reversed and so Obama&8217;s views don&8217;t particularly matter. Even if the Supremes had ruled ...

NYT Magazine on Limbaugh - July 2, 2008

A complete puff piece, maybe because the refs have been so thoroughly worked by the likes of Limbaugh that to do anything else would be to betray that famous &8220;liberal bias&8221; that you read so much about, but rarely actually see. Still, gotta love this: At dinner the night before, Bill OReillys name came up, ...

Oh my - July 2, 2008

As Pogo used to say, we have met the enemy: WASHINGTON The military trainers who came to Guantnamo Bay in December 2002 based an entire interrogation class on a chart showing the effects of coercive management techniques for possible use on prisoners, including sleep deprivation, prolonged constraint, and exposure. What the trainers did not say, and ...

The things you find - July 2, 2008

When you live in New York, you have a different relationship with trash on the street than in most other places. Since no one has any storage space, you literally never know what&8217;s going to be sitting out on the sidewalk. My friend Tony Ortega recently stumbled across Harvey Weinstein&8217;s recycling, and recounts ...
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