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Feed items 21 - 25 of 25 for July 2008

Toronto LJ Community

Toronto LJ Community -

(Untitled) - July 5, 2008

Anyone know where to get White Ink Tattoo's here in toronto

GARAGE SALE - SATURDAY JULY 5th - vintagecollectabledesignerjunk !!!! - July 4, 2008

I'm having a big lawn sale July 5th - 885 Dovercourt Road!anyway, I will selling tonnes of stuff - a few projectors left, electronics, older stereo receivers, vintage toys, skateboards, bikes, furniture, dvdscdsvinyl, kitsch, books, clothescostumes, ... tonnes. email me if you have any questions.rocking chair - $40, cash register - sorry, no key but still opens etc, and you ll have to get instructions online - but for $40 cant go wrong! i also have 80's 3-14" gi-joes, and some polaroid sx70s...

Dentists w specific cleaning technique - July 4, 2008

Hi Toronto!I've looked back through previous entries but couldn't find one specifically asking about dental cleaning techniques (although I did find: http:community.livejournal.comtoronto6505405.html, which is pretty much exactly how I feel)...Anyway, I'm looking for a dentist in the city that uses a technique my old dentist's sort of a high-powered wash of baking soda and something (maybe water), instead of the traditional buzzing polishing thing with the awful tasting polish.I...

acting, singing , vocal work class - July 4, 2008

can anyone reccomend a beginner acting class or singing class or any type of  voice work class

Scarfdresses in the GTA - July 4, 2008

Me again!Just wodnering if anyone here has seen any of these dresses in the GTA as of recently I really want to buy one! Bonus if its super cheap and preferably on the subway line!!Thanks muchly!!!!
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- July (25 items)
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