Armstrong NewsLocal news for Armstrong, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Years of planning culminate with reality of GIS technology- June 24, 2008 Howard County's dream of implementing a computerized GIS program has come another step toward becoming a reality. Democratic candidates cite qualifications, positions at Armstrong stump speaking- June 18, 2008 Candidates at the Armstrong stump speaking pose for the Fayette Advertiser camera Friday evening at the Armstrong Fire Station. Countdown to Aug. 5 primary- June 11, 2008 Continuing a tradition dating back to the 1800s, the first of five Howard County Democratic Party election year stump speakings will happen this Friday. New Once on This Island Premieres at the Coterie Theatre- June 6, 2008 Friday, June 06, 2008 :: Karen VanAsdale The Coterie production will be the world premiere of the Theatre for Young Audience's version of the original Tony-nominated musical, Once On This Island by Lynn Ahrens ... |