Terry W. Frazier: Citizen.wired.netLiving in the digital age -- items that affect our daily livesAshcroft Reverses View on Privacy Now That He's the Watcher- November 25, 2002 It's enlightening to go back and read the statements made by Atty Gen Ashcroft in 1997 regarding the Clinton Administration's desire to increase electronic surveillance.http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itgic/1097/ijge/gj-7.htm Humans Are the Weakest Link- November 25, 2002 Once again, the human factor proves to be the weakest link in protecting our privacy.http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,56567,00.html What's Next, The Death Penalty- November 14, 2002 I hate spam and nefarious computer hacks as much as anyone, but this is an egergious over-reach.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/citizenWiredNet/2002/11/14.html#a918 Baywatch Foreign Policy- November 14, 2002 A friend of mine recently suggested that America's best hope for supplanting terrorist Islamic regimes with democratic governments is to leverage one of our greatest cultural treasures -- Baywatch.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/citizenWiredNet/2002/11/14.html#a915 I Just Made $2,000- November 14, 2002 I changed my auto insurance carrier this morning.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/citizenWiredNet/2002/11/14.html#a914 Poindexter and Ashcroft Are Not Liars- November 14, 2002 Why all the hue and cry over the lying in the current Administration It's not the lies we ought to be worried about -- it's the forthright, obvious, unrepentant Nazi-fication of the country that ought have our attention.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/citizenWiredNet/2002/11/14.html#a912 |