MTL is hot- July 7, 2008 Pretty damn hot &8217;round these parts MTL feels like the northern most tropic today. Should be a sticky week ahead. These are the days I wish MTL was 5 minutes Not 5 Hours from the ocean (actually I pretty much wish for that daily). http:... Cool Your Red Wine- July 6, 2008 A reminder on this warm Sunday afternoon that your red wine will be more enjoyable if you cool it a bit before serving. Red wine is normally drunk at &8220;cellar tempertature,&8221; which is generally 16-18 degrees Celsius. But if that Cabernet Sauv... Internet Vidotron : c'est l't, changement de forfait Changement de paramtres!- July 5, 2008 Si jamais l'arrive de l't fait bouger votre cul ailleurs que devant votre ordinateur, il est bien possible que vous vouliez diminuer votre forfait Internet. Avec Vidotron, il est possible de diminuer son forfait celui nomm... Un concours pour le "Pionnier des oreilles de lapin"- July 5, 2008 En 2009, la diffusion hertzienne de contenu tlvisuel analogue standard tirera sa fin aux .-U.. Afin de soulier cela, le site est a la recherche de pionniers des oreilles de lapin. Elle a mme ouvert un concours afin de... Firefox entre dans le Livre des records Guinness- July 5, 2008 C'est officiel, Mozilla est entr dans le livre des records Guinness avec le plus grand nombre de tlchargements en une journe pour la sortie de Firefox 3. C'est grce l'effort de toute la communaut Mozilla ainsi qu'a une campagne marketing... YULBlog sous le soleil- July 5, 2008 Enfin du beau temps et c'est parfait, car c'est YULBlog ce soir... Mise jour (00 h40) : un YULBlog super tranquille, croire que tous les blogueurs (euses) sont dans les dmnagements.... Fantasia 2008- July 4, 2008 The lack of blog poststweets and sleep over the past couple weeks has been due to us racing to get out the Fantasia 2008 site. Trying to improve it every year and thankfully we have the process down in order to run through close to 1000 images (... Teenage Jesus- July 4, 2008 From my favourite radio show, CBC Radio One&8217;s Go: If Teenage Jesus had a Vlog. Also check out episodes two and three. &8220;Is that Jesus He&8217;s off the hook!&8221; addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = ''; addthis_pub = 'boober... Et la vie continue- July 3, 2008 As you know, I've been pretty stressed and depressed with the anticipation of the results of last week's scan. I've been very pragmatic and conservative about my expectations until this morning. This morning, and all day until the actual results,... Zombie bucks- July 3, 2008 Defacement of Canadian money is a crime but if you&8217;re going to do it - at least do it well. The zombie bills are great. More at DE-NOTED Why let good money go to waste ... |