tranquileyeThe blog of John Harris Stevenson, researcher, tech strategist, and community broadcaster.Copyright Board to Decide Fate of Non-Profit Netcasting- April 18, 2007 It was just a coincidence that yesterday, the day that may have sealed the fate of Internet broadcasting in the United States, was also the opening of the Copyright Board of Canada hearing to establish fees for music on the Internet. I was at hearing representing community and campus radio, one of the few non-lawyers in the room. The witnesses presented by Canada's performance rights organization, SOCAN, are being questioned aggressively by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, CBC, CRIA,. Blogging's Civil Code- April 12, 2007 A couple of absurdities have come out of the disgusting attacks against Kathy Sierra. The first has been silence: active tech blogger Robert Scoble wrote that he was going to take the week off "in support of Kathy Sierra". I appreciate the sentiment, but as I posted in Scoble's comments, that is the exact opposite of what he and others should be doing. You don't respond to this sort of thing by shutting up. It's an indication of how disengaged some bloggers are from the political realities of. |