Warren NewsLocal news for Warren, RI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Help search engines find your site- June 8, 2008 Want to increase your odds of people finding your Web site on the Internet Well, then you'd better optimize your site so it ranks high in the listings presented by top search engines like Google and Yahoo, say ...http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ri/2008/06/help-search-engines-find-your-site?fromrss=1 Chow down on chowder at Newport cook-off- June 6, 2008 "Lobsterman," also known as Emlen Drayton, serves samples of chowder at last year's Schweppes Great Chowder Cook-Off at the Newport Yachting Center.http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ri/2008/06/chow-down-on-chowder-at-newport-cook-off?fromr... Sales of R.I. houses, condos fall in April- June 4, 2008 April marked the 15th consecutive month that single-family home sales fell in Rhode Island, The Warren Group said in a report today, as the state's real estate market showed no signs of reaching the bottom.http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ri/2008/06/sales-of-r-i-houses-condos-fall-in-april?fromr... Warwick man scales Everest on second try- June 3, 2008 The second time is the charm for Warwick chiropractor Timothy Warren, who is believed to be the only Rhode Islander to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the world's tallest mountain.http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ri/2008/06/warwick-man-scales-everest-on-second-try?fromr... |