Warren NewsLocal news for Warren, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bernards church group to visit Malawi, probe orphan crisis- June 18, 2008 Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church will send a task force this weekend to Malawi, a densely populated, underdeveloped African nation to investigate specific issues affecting more than 1 million orphans and ...http://www.topix.net/city/warren-nj/2008/06/bernards-church-group-to-visit-malawi-probe-or... Buffett's Berkshire Would Reap $600 Million in InBev Takeover of Anheuser- June 18, 2008 Billionaire Warren Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. may bank a $600 million profit if InBev NV succeeds in its $46.3 billion takeover of Budweiser-maker Anheuser-Busch Cos.http://www.topix.net/city/warren-nj/2008/06/buffetts-berkshire-would-reap-600-million-in-i... Warren buys former church land- June 15, 2008 Township officials have announced a deal to buy the former Alliance Bible Church property at 52 Mount Horeb Road, a nearly 15-acre parcel that served as the center for controversy in recent years when the ...http://www.topix.net/city/warren-nj/2008/06/warren-buys-former-church-land?fromrss=1 |