West Mifflin NewsLocal news for West Mifflin, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Live karate demonstration at the premiere of Kung Fu Panda at Carmikes Southland 9! - June 5, 2008There has been such a great response to this event, that Carmikes has extended it! Demonstrations will now be Friday June 7th AND Saturday June 8th. Live demos will be before and after the 5 and 7 pm show times. Kids will have a chance to win COOL Kung Fu Panda Prizes and free karate lessons! You can also check out info on the Karate Summer Camp which begins June 16th. Demo is run by Dynamic Martial Arts Pittsburgh. Check them out at www.dynamicmartialartspa.com Visit our booth from 4 to 8 pm...http://www.topix.net/city/west-mifflin-pa/2008/06/live-karate-demonstration-at-the-premier... |