Squaw Valley NewsLocal news for Squaw Valley, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Learn About "Everything Lavender" On Thursday's Great Day- June 15, 2008 The fragrant herb lavender has a multitude of uses in and around your home. Rosemary Nachtigall, from the Squaw Valley Herb Gardens, was live on Thursday's Great Day to talk about all the benefits of lavender.http://www.topix.net/city/squaw-valley-ca/2008/06/learn-about-everything-lavender-on-thurs... Oc Weekly consults Rebel Girl- June 13, 2008 In today's OC Weekly: Lisa Alvarez's Summer Reading List: Cowboy gunplay, High Sierra poetry, the Inland Empire and more! : Since Oakley Hall passed away, I've consoled myself by reaching again for his books.http://www.topix.net/city/squaw-valley-ca/2008/06/oc-weekly-consults-rebel-girl?fromrss=1 Ordinance forces owners- June 11, 2008 Less than one year after the Washoe Fire destroyed five homes and 20 acres of land some 2 miles south of Tahoe City, a group of officials gathered in the neighborhood of the blaze to announce a new defensible ...http://www.topix.net/city/squaw-valley-ca/2008/06/ordinance-forces-owners?fromrss=1 SF mayor to speak at Squaw- June 9, 2008 San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom is scheduled to speak at 6:30 p.m. Friday at Squaw Valley USA's PlumpJack Squaw Valley Inn, 1920 Squaw Valley Road in Olympic Valley, Calif.http://www.topix.net/city/squaw-valley-ca/2008/06/sf-mayor-to-speak-at-squaw?fromrss=1 Volunteers set to clean streets on Truckee Day- June 7, 2008 It's time again for local residents to roll up their sleeves, head out the door and clean the streets of Truckee.http://www.topix.net/city/squaw-valley-ca/2008/06/volunteers-set-to-clean-streets-on-truck... |