Athens NewsLocal news for Athens, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Now You're Talking Mary Lynn Plageman commentary: Errors spotted in print -- and duly noted- June 14, 2008 The Now You're Talking discussion last week about the origin of the idiom "just deserts" inspired feedback about other matters of English, the language we sometimes misuse and abuse. Lancaster resident, OU professor wins faculty award- June 12, 2008 Understanding conflict has long intrigued Patricia Weitsman, a political science professor at Ohio University in Athens. Fallen ceiling among storm damages- June 12, 2008 Everything fell in on Ramona Shackleford on Wednesday morning. At about 5 a.m., Shackleford was awakened when the ceiling directly above her bed began falling on her, partly a result of the strong thunderstorms ... Paul Newman: Graceful transition of a screen legend- June 10, 2008 The former blue-eyed boy of the silver screen, Paul Newman, is truly a legend. In recent years, the 82-year-old actor has soldiered on: In 2003, he appeared in a Broadway revival of Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" ... |