Upper Sandusky NewsLocal news for Upper Sandusky, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Weekend: Hancock Park District hosting Dogpawlooza- July 7, 2008 The Hancock Park District will hold Dogpawlooza Saturday, July 12 at Riverbend Recreation Area, located at 16618 Township Road 208, east of Findlay.http://www.topix.net/city/upper-sandusky-oh/2008/07/weekend-hancock-park-district-hosting-... Northern Ohio family set off the fireworks for Chillicothe's celebration- July 5, 2008 As many residents of Chillicothe scoped out the best seats for the fireworks, one northern Ohio family had the best seats in the city.http://www.topix.net/city/upper-sandusky-oh/2008/07/northern-ohio-family-set-off-the-firew... Jessica & Roger Hetzel- July 3, 2008 Jessica Elwood of Bucyrus, Ohio and Roger Hetzel of Bucyru, Ohio, were married at St.http://www.topix.net/city/upper-sandusky-oh/2008/07/jessica-roger-hetzel?fromrss=1 Rain storm dampens Grist Mill's Winefest- July 1, 2008 Into every life, no matter the best laid plans, a little rain sometimes must fall.http://www.topix.net/city/upper-sandusky-oh/2008/07/rain-storm-dampens-grist-mills-winefes... |