At Hand ProductionsA leading Philadelphia concert and theatrical production company.At Hand Productions adds work to their repertoire- (Found July 8, 2008 ) At Hand Productions has added Values to its repertoire. Values is a short theatrical production that takes a look at the current work conditions that Americans face. PROGRESS REPORT: The music to At Hand Productions Erotica first Tableau is nearing completion- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Andrew Hanna, producer at At Hand Productions, is nearing completion of the music to the first tableaus music of Erotica. With the current progression, the completion of the production is ahead of schedule. The old projection had the completed production would be complete at the end of 2005. AHEAD OF SCHEDULE: At Hand Productions has announced that they are ahead of their deadline.- (Found July 8, 2008 ) At Hand Productions announced on Monday August 22, 2005 that they are ahead of completing music for its Erotica. The original end date was at the end of 2005, the new date is the beginning of November 2005. At Hand Productions publishes article on how to help musicians develop their abilities.- (Found July 8, 2008 ) In a series of articles that At Hand Productions will be publishing, its latest article teaches Jazz Musicians how to develop their abilities regarding the application of polychords to an improvisational setting. Which one do you like: Sex or religion or how about both- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Philadelphia producer Andrew Hanna of At Hand Productions has announced the completion of Eroticas libretto. The next step is to write the music. Erotica is a multi-artistic production that delves into religions relationship with human sexuality. At Hand Productions producer Andrew Hanna says: "Start from scratch"- (Found July 8, 2008 ) At Hand Productions producer Andrew Hanna comments about producers whom dont work hard enough in creating new productions. At Hand Productions is set to begin writing music for its latest production- (Found July 8, 2008 ) At Hand Productions producer Andrew Hanna is set to begin writing music to his latest production that explores sex and religion on stage. At Hand Productions' producer Andrew Hanna talks about performance art- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Philadelphia producer Andrew Hanna of At Hand Productions discusses his producing methods. At Hand Productions silences all rumors of hidden meaning in its emblem- (Found July 8, 2008 ) At Hand Productions puts to rest any and all rumors that its new emblem contains any hidden meanings or connections to secret societies. At Hand Productions gets ready to release My Journal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) At Hand Productions gets ready to release new music from its latest production, My Journal. My Journal is a production that stretches the operatic tradition into the future with new themes and concepts. |