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Feed items 11 - 16 of 16 for May 2005

What Would Dick Think? (WWDT)

Reality is becoming more like a Philip Dick novel all the time.

(Untitled) - May 18, 2005

700 Club or local news From the "Darts and Laurels" column of this month's Columbia Journalism Review: DART to WREG, in Memphis, Tennessee, for less-than-divine journalism. Two weeks after the revelation by the city's bachelor mayor, Willie Herenton, that he was the father of a four-month-old boy, the child's mother, Claudine Marsh, granted an exclusive interview to the station's Andy Wise. The reason the journalist had been so blessed, he explained to viewers, was that "she and I have a...

(Untitled) - May 16, 2005

Ever seen a grown man naked DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff supports the use of new airport X-Ray scanners (backscatter technology) that, according to the ACLU, provide a "virtual strip search" of any traveller: Security workers using the machines can see through clothes and peer at whatever may be hidden in undergarments, shirts or pants. The images also paint a revealing picture of a person's nude body. snip The ACLU says the scanners invade personal privacy. "This leads directly to a...

(Untitled) - May 16, 2005

Compassionate Conservatism The Daily Sentinel reports that the Praetorian Guard Secret Service has visited Ted Nugent's Crawford, Texas ranch for some target practice. Three dozen agents took target practice last month at Nugent's ranch, he said. They initiated the visit, bringing machine guns and other government-issued weapons and ammunition -- and spent hours having fun at taxpayers' expense, Nugent said with a laugh. Secret Service officials would not confirm or deny the incident. "(We..

(Untitled) - May 16, 2005

American Eugenics ABC News reports on a secret government eugenics program that led to the sterilization of approximately 65,000 between 1900 and the 1970's. The article highlights the case of Elaine Riddick, an African American woman from North Carolina. State authorities sterilized Ms. Riddick without her knowledge when she was 14, after she gave birth to a child conceived from a prior rape, on the grounds that she was "too promiscuous" and "too feeble-minded" to raise children...

(Untitled) - May 13, 2005

RIP CNBC has dropped washed-up comic Dennis Miller. How long before we see him on an infomercial Fox News drops Rita Cosby, the pride of SUV-driving soccer moms everywhere. Go fug yourself, Rita. Ah, time for a drink. Thanks to CH

(Untitled) - May 13, 2005

Optical scanners Orlando International Airport has begun using iris scanners as part of their security clearance procedures for airplane crews, airport workers and others. If the pilot project is successful, we'll soon see iris scanners being used in airports across the country. How long before we start seeing eyeballs or eye-replacement surgeries being sold along with fake ID's
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