Badbossology HeadlinesThe latest news from Badbossology.comBullied workers fighting back- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Picture a bully and you'll probably picture the schoolyard variety -- or those junior citizens of the year captured on cellphone footage "swarming" or "happy slapping" their prey." Bosses are the keystones to building employee morale- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "It is difficult to overestimate the effect a bad boss has in a workplace, but it's just as easy to undervalue the effect of a good boss. A survey by Yahoo! HotJobs reveals that 43 percent of American workers would leave their jobs if they didn't like the supervisor's management style or were not given adequate mentoring in their jobs." Gallup Study: Feeling Good Matters in the Workplace- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Supervisors play a key role in worker well-being and engagement, reports the Gallup Management Journal's latest national study." Seven Things Employees Want Most To Be Happy At Work- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Ask bosses what makes employees happy at work, and many are likely to think in terms of tangible rewards: a good salary, a pleasant office, generous benefits. Those play a role in job satisfaction, of course. But increasingly, workplace specialists are discovering that for many workers, the "happiness factor" depends heavily on intangibles, such as respect, trust, and fairness." Living "Healthy Workplace Bill" would protect employees who feel the bite of a tormenting boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "In her nightmares, Jaymie Lennon's former boss calls her an idiot, undermines her confidence, tells other employees that Lennon is "unstable" and "mentally ill," and regularly threatens to fire her. Just, she says, like in real life." Are You the Victim of a Bad Boss or Does Your Bad Boss Need Supervisory Skills- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Here are a few clues that your boss could use some basic supervisory skills training." Study Says Job Stress Strains The Heart, Heart Disease May Be 68% More Likely in Chronically Stressed Workers - CBS News- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Chronic job stress may be bad news for your heart, especially if your lifestyle isn't healthy. So says a 12-year study of more than 10,000 British government workers in white-collar jobs. The bottom line: Workers were 68% more likely to die of heart disease , suffer a nonfatal heart attack, or develop angina (chest pain) if they had long-term job stress." How to Deal With Bully Bosses - - Business Technology Leadership- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Is your boss a tyrant of Machiavellian proportions If it makes you feel better, you're not alone. According to a study by the Employment Law Alliance, almost half of all employees have been targeted by a bully boss." Thank You Bad Boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "This article is dedicated to all of the bad bosses Ive ever had. Dont worry, Im not a basher, so reading this article at work wont get you in troublebut then again maybe it depends on your boss!" The Brutal Boss Questionnaire- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Rate your boss." |