Badbossology HeadlinesThe latest news from Badbossology.com5 Ways to Manage Your Boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Successfully managing a boss is a challenge but often achievable. Here are some practical things you can do to manage your boss without sabotaging your job." Tactics Of A Workplace Serial Bully Boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Then there is another type of bully boss which most people would not even perceive as a bully. The closet bully boss is actually much more prevalent and more dangerous than the ranter or raver described above. This type of bully boss is very cleaver in their ability to hide their bullying behaviors and to manipulate the perception of bystanders against the target." Ten Warning Signs of a Toxic Boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "We've compiled 10 warning signs of a toxic boss. Watch for them in the interview and you might be able to avoid a negative work environment." Managing Your Boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Managing our bosses Isn't that merely manipulation Corporate cozying up Out-and-out apple polishing In fact, we manage our bosses for very good reasons: to get resources to do the best job, not only for ourselves, but for our bosses and our companies as well." How to Stop Demanding, Rude Behavior of a Boss- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "After extensive study of the phenomenon of "work place bullying and mobbing" I have learned that there are ways to minimize demanding, rude behaviors of managers. There are two general types of demanding, rude managers that you're likely to come across and they need to be dealt with differently." How to manage your boss - (Found July 8, 2008 ) "We'd all love to have a great boss who motivates, helps and inspires you. But often they can actually get in the way of you doing a good job. So what can you do JUDY YORKE asks the experts.." Bad Boss: Learn How to Manage Your Manager- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "If you think you're working for a bad boss, you have plenty of company. Of 1,118 people who completed a survey at the web site last year, "48 percent said they would fire their boss if they could, 29 percent would have their boss assessed by a workplace psychologist and 23 percent would send their boss for management training." The-Office-The-Bad-and-the-Ugly: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Here are seven signs that you are a bad boss:" You don't have to be a bully to succeed in business- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Tim was a toxic boss. I'd been working in broadcasting for five years and I'd never seen behavior like this before. So I thought Tim was unusual. But he wasn't and he isn't." How to Talk to your Boss about your Career Goals- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "Whether you had a great or a bad performance review for the last year, now is the time to ensure a more positive one for this year. Plan and prepare to meet with your boss on goal planning for the current year. Most of us just chuck it under the carpet or roll our eyes, wanting our best to delay as much as possible." |