The Sheila Variations"This race and this country and this life produced me, he said. I shall express myself as I am." -- James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManThe Books: "Possessing the Secret of Joy" (Alice Walker)- July 2, 2008 Next book on my adult fiction bookshelf for the Daily Book Excerpt: Possessing the Secret of Joy, by Alice Walker I read this wrenching book in a couple of days in a cold winter when I was living in Chicago.... The Books: "The Accidental Tourist" (Anne Tyler)- July 1, 2008 Next book on my adult fiction bookshelf for the Daily Book Excerpt: The Accidental Tourist, by Anne Tyler I have so many personal associations with this book that I'm not even sure how to write about it - as a... Awesome photo- July 1, 2008 (Again, part of that project of mine ... it's done now!!) I love how "Script" and "Dialogue" have their own chairs, along with all those giants.... |