Won't you look at me, I'm crazyWon't you look at me, I'm crazy - LiveJournal.comSo, uh...- June 10, 2008 ...I'm actually really excited about this beer. I hate beer, and can never even finish a bottle without feeling like I need to throw up. I just don't like the taste. But drowning the beer taste in fruit juice I think I can get behind that.http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/691195.html Oh, snap.- June 9, 2008 34As a 1930s wife, I amPoorTake the test!http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/690859.html PSA- June 9, 2008 Threadless is having a $10 sale through midnight (CST) tonight! That's 1am for us east coast types. Go, buy stuff!http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/690583.html Tweet, tweet!- June 8, 2008 10:36 loves mini-high school reunions over good BBQ and pina coladas :) 11:05 Off to Yankee Stadium! Blame LoudTwitter.http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/690061.html Tweet, tweet!- June 7, 2008 14:30 Who's the jackass who ripped his nail so much that he may need to be put under to have it removed next week Lenny! You're damn right. Blame LoudTwitter.http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/689676.html Tweet, tweet!- June 6, 2008 17:31 Twitter me this! I completely forgot about Twitter. No offense, Twitter. It's not you, it's me. 17:32 dissonance ...and I would drive 500 miles, and I would drive 500 more... Blame LoudTwitter.http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/689161.html Guilty... of being a dumbass- June 5, 2008 A certain dumbass kitty of mine ripped up one of his nails during the move Saturday. It bled, but the bleeding stopped quickly. We kept an eye on it and it was getting better. Well yesterday, same dumbass kitty decided to explore the top of the bookcase. He experienced difficulty during takeoff, and ripped up his nail again. Guess who's going to the vet tomorrow for being a dumbasshttp://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/689034.html I love our new place.- June 4, 2008 I sleep like a baby! So much so, in fact, that I slept through the alarm for a full hour this morning. Oops.It's amazing how much your sleep improves when there's no German Shepherd across the street barking at everything that moves and garbage pickup at 4am.EDIT: Mark joined an agricultural co-op that makes weekly deliveries to the lab. This week, we're getting lettuce, scallions, spinach, asparagus, and strawberries. SO EXCITED! I love asparagus, despite it making your 1 smell.EDIT 2: We.http://mongolbbq.livejournal.com/688652.html |