WAIT-NOT YET- MOUNTAIN RIVER WHISPERS - Welcome to My Garden - The Roses would like to Meet You - Here-There-Then-Now - HAPPY EARTH DAY EVERYDAY! ENJOY SUMMER DAYS! HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAYS! - PHOTOGRAPHY IS POETRY - - THE POET IS THE PHOTOGRAPHER - May God Bless The Troops and their Families! Photographs - Words Journal by _rRose All rights reserved copyright ©Unlimited- June 28, 2008 "LIFE IS A FIELD OF UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES" - _D. Chopra ...http://journals.aol.com/rrveh1/WAIT-NOTYET-/entries/2008/06/28/unlimited/1839 AOL Community Photo Challenge - The Magic Hour- June 24, 2008 AOL Community Photo Challenge AOL Community Challenge-The Magic Hour-JUDGED JUDGED Category The Magic hour, or Golden hour is the first & last hour of sunlight. It's the 12 hour before the sun rises, & 12 after the sun rises. It's also the 12 hourbefore sunset & 12 hour after. The Sun sets and waits for.http://journals.aol.com/rrveh1/WAIT-NOTYET-/entries/2008/06/24/aol-community-photo-challen... Summer Magic- June 23, 2008 THEN FOLLOWED THAT BEAUTIFUL SEASON - SUMMER OF ALL-SAINTS! FILLED WAS THE AIR WITH A DREAMY AND MAGICAL LIGHT; AND THE LANDSCAPE LAY AS IF NEW CREATED IN...http://journals.aol.com/rrveh1/WAIT-NOTYET-/entries/2008/06/23/summer-magic/1798 AOL Community Photo Challenge The American Flag- June 18, 2008 AOL Community Photo Challenge AOL Community Challenge-The American FlagFUN Our June Photo challenge for FUN only, is The American Flag. Find a flag anywhere, on a flag post, a building, painted on something....or just the red, white & blue...http://journals.aol.com/rrveh1/WAIT-NOTYET-/entries/2008/06/17/aol-community-photo-challen... Sound- June 17, 2008 The life in us is like the water in the river. It may rise this year higher than man has ever known it, and flood the parched uplands; even this may be the eventful year, which will drown out all our muskrats. It was not always dry land where we dwell. I see far inland the banks where the stream anciently washed, before science began to record its freshets. _Henry David Thoreau, Walden,...http://journals.aol.com/rrveh1/WAIT-NOTYET-/entries/2008/06/16/sound/1792 Hello June- June 3, 2008 "And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud Was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." _Anais Ninhttp://journals.aol.com/rrveh1/WAIT-NOTYET-/entries/2008/06/03/hello-june/1783 |