The Raven BannerDave Haxton's WeblogIt's Here- December 24, 2003 This could actually be good news for us. Our cows are safe - we don't feed them ground up downer sheep, as is the common practice in large feedlots! But it'll be bad for the beef industry as a whole, no doubt. We'll have to see how this shakes out... First Suspected U.S. Case of Mad Cow Disease Under Investigation. The first-ever U.S. case of mad cow disease is suspected in a single cow in Washington state, but the American food supply is safe, the agriculture secretary said. By The... Get in the Wayback Machine- December 24, 2003 Whoa! My first was a COSMAC ELF - built it from scratch, with 256 bytes of RAM. There's a guy in the referenced article actually had one too! Bizarre! First Computers Slashdot Moving News- December 24, 2003 Whew! I completed a major redesign of today - in preparation to mving the blog over there. Figured I'd take the opportunity to get rid of some of the darkness hanging around - lightened the backgrounds, redid the menus, added all my stories from here to there. I also made it back thru November putting titles on these posts to make indexing in Blosxom easier. What a royal pain! The only time Radio uses titles is in the RSS feed - otherwise they're ignored. Blosxom depends on... Perot, Mexico and Moving- December 23, 2003 Does memory serve me correctly I seem to recall Mr. Perot being rather stridently against NAFTA and moving jobs to Mexico when he ran for President in 1992 - but apparently he's OK now (he's still on the board, as far as I can determine from their rather labyrinthine website) with moving jobs to India! Perot Systems buys out Indian venture. Looking to expand its outsourcing footprint, the software services company purchases a controlling stake in a joint venture with software firm HCL... A Legal Battle of Mythic Proportions- December 23, 2003 This is bound to be a legal battle of mythic proportions! Opps, I wonder if they can sue me for that Mythic sues Microsoft over Mythica. Names too close - unlike Lindows Windows... The Register |