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Developer Advocate versus Technical Evangelist; When names change the tone - July 3, 2008

role, and why it can be such a fun one at companies. Of course, I dont even need to tell you that we are hiring for this position in the US and elsewhere in the world :) NOTE: Right after I posted this I saw that Jeremy Z had a post titled Two Tech Jobs: Technology Evangelist and Network Operations ShareThis

Developer Advocate versus Technical Evangelist; When names change the tone - July 3, 2008

Of course, I dont even need to tell you that we are hiring for this position in the US and elsewhere in the world NOTE: Right after I posted this I saw that Jeremy Z had a post titled Two Tech Jobs: Technology Evangelist and Network Operations ShareThis

Art Fag City - July 3, 2008

Image via: Jeremy Zawodny Artists Charles Broskoski and Cory Arcangel will be attending this years super exclusive Foo Camp, a weekend gathering of emerging technologys elite. Though there arent too many gallerists familiar with the insider event, whether or not they

Gravitational Pull - Views on gadgets, technology and blogging - July 3, 2008

front. The old mac mini went off to my nephews and no new systems have entered the premises. Then into these quiet times comes news of others out there on the hunt for new gear. Former Yahooligan Jeremy Zawodny started it with his post about building a cheap ass linux PC . Then mobile entrepreneur Russell Beattie went laptop hunting. And so I find myself, in a strained geek metaphor sort of way, involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet..

YDN Jeremy Zawodny - July 3, 2008

. MySQL (2nd Ed.) . ! Jeremy Zawodny . This review is especially timely, as yesterday was Jeremy Zawodnys last day at Yahoo! . Jeremy hired me on as an intern this summer, and Ive had the pleasure of working with him over the past few weeks. Anyway, I thought this would be a cool way to send him off. From all of us at the Blog - Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Information - July 3, 2008

you're going to start a blog, give us something entertaining to read. None of this veiled and abstract stuff you're doing. We know you want to bring Yahoo down and get it sold to Microsoft. Use your new microphone. grabs popcorn, waits. Fun Finds Jeremy Zawodny announced that he'll be heading to Craigslist in July. Does that not seem like the most random job shuffle ever Barry Schwartz confirms that page load time now is a real factor in Google's AdWords quality score.

Questions to ask before hiring a web developer. - July 2, 2008

SEOmoz recently posted some questions that they would ask when interviewing web developers. Figured Id have a go at the questions and let you know where I stand: What Industry sites and blogs do you read regularly I consistently read Matt Cutts and Jeremy Zawodny , Jim Boykin , and Brue Clay . I also have some other favorites like Shoemoney , 9-rules (Design) , Aaron Wall , SEOmoz , Devlounge , and shanghai web design . Do you prefer to work alone or on a team

adir1 - July 2, 2008

started as a short comment, turned into longer and I think worthy read about future of operating environments for us all. Jeremy doesnt post too much, which is exactly how I prefer it and thus he is on my read-first list. Check out my comment right here . Back to the issue, I really think this one will be about cloud computing and web services, or cloud services, or whatever we want to call them services. And of course, their integration into applications and the OS, finally. Some...

The Money Channel at Finance News and Expert Advice - July 1, 2008

Google, News, and Making Money (by Jeremy Zawodny) YouTube - MMA on the News Accelerated mortgage payoff Lehrer Says Share This Share This
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