Artabus new online paintingsFind the latest paintings, sculptures and drawings added on Artabus virtual GalleriesAutomat aux pieds - Fluorit- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Automat aux piedsComputer Graphiclegs poisson - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) poissonInk on paperarab calligraphy(Nun . By the pen and that which they write ( therewith ) ,Quran) la pierre solide - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) la pierre solideInk on paperarabic calligraphyThe most solid stone of a building is the lowest of the foundation.Khalil Gibran Photosynthse - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) PhotosynthseIndia ink on paperarabic calligraphy(Who hath appointed for you fire from the green tree )the Quran. Si la mer tait une encre ... - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Si la mer tait une encre ...Ink on paperarabic calligraphy(Say : Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord , verily the sea would be used up before the Words of my Lord were exhausted , even though We brought the like thereof to help .)the QURAN. les jardins d'eden - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) les jardins d'edenInk on paperarab calligraphy(Gardens of Eden! They enter them wearing armlets of gold and pearl and their raiment therein is silk .QURAN paix - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) paixInk on paperarab calligraphy(The word from a Merciful Lord ( for them ) is : Peace!Quran ombre - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) ombreIndia ink on paperarabic calligraphy( Hast thou not seen how thy Lord hath spread the shade . And if He willed He could have made it still , then We have made the sun its pilot Then We withdraw it unto Us , a gradual withdrawalThe Quran; NOUN - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) NOUNInk on paperarabic calligraphy(maghrebi style)68.1 . Nun . By the pen and that which they write ( therewith ) The quran. temps - Abdelkader Kamal- (Found July 8, 2008 ) tempsIndia ink on paperarab calligraphy( By the declining day ,Lo! man is in a state of loss ,Save those who believe and do good works , and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance .Quran) |