Articles from the Inline Skating CenterArticles by Jim Safianuk on inline skating techniques, skate maintenance, and the fitness aspects of inline skating. Both view-only and print-friendly versions of each article are available.The T-Stop- May 14, 2005 Advanced skaters sometimes prefer to use the T-stop as a quick way to slow down. However, excessive use of this means of stopping can prematurely wear out the inside edges and the profile of your wheels. If this isnt a major concern for you, by all means use the T-stop when its to your advantage to do so. The T-stop is applied by forming a T-shape with your skates. Longer Strides and Glides- May 8, 2005 Sometimes, especially on trails longer than 20 miles, and in high heat in the middle of the summer, you may start to fatigue due to dehydration or if your calorie burn has exceeded your calorie intake for the day. Under these circumstances, its good to have a means by which you can conserve your energy until you reach the end of the trail. One approach is to use longer strides and glides. Let me explain! |