Aplington NewsLocal news for Aplington, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.PM Update: Flooding Road Closure List- June 7, 2008 Heavy rains, already saturated grounds, and swollen creeks and rivers are causing flooding in several parts of the state.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/pm-update-flooding-road-closure-list?fromrs... DC-G teacher helps organize aid for victims of tornado- June 7, 2008 Adam Tjeerdsma, a teacher at Dallas Center Elementary, loads supplies in to a trailer to bring up to the area effected by the May 25, EF5 tornado.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/dc-g-teacher-helps-organize-aid-for-victims... Heavy rains close Iowa roads- June 6, 2008 Heavy rains, already saturated grounds, and swollen creeks and rivers are causing flooding in several parts of the state.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/heavy-rains-close-iowa-roads?fromrss=1 Aplington-Parkersburg schools discuss the future- June 6, 2008 The tornado that tore through Parkersburg leaves a big question for the school district.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/aplington-parkersburg-schools-discuss-the-f... Nature's fury wipes out southern Parkersburg, ravages New Hartford- June 5, 2008 Seven people are confirmed dead and at least 70 are injured after what officials say is Iowa's deadliest tornado in 40 years.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/natures-fury-wipes-out-southern-parkersburg... Harm to ag industry appears relatively light- June 4, 2008 Farmers and agribusinesses are still assessing damage from a tornado and heavy rains that ripped through Butler County this week.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/harm-to-ag-industry-appears-relatively-ligh... Tornado Levels Sinclair Elevator Business--Jobs and Tax Revenue Jeopardized- June 3, 2008 Karen Kerns Reader Submitted June 2, 2008 The tornado that levelled Parkersburg also destroyed the Sinclair Elevator.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/tornado-levels-sinclair-elevator-business-j... RCWS Responds to Tornado in Iowa- June 2, 2008 Severe storms pounded Midwestern states on Sunday, destroying and damaging hundreds of homes.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/06/rcws-responds-to-tornado-in-iowa?fromrss=1 Son reflects on parents' tornado death: 'They didn't have a chance'- June 1, 2008 If Richard and Ethel Mulder could have chosen a way to spend their last day on this earth, they probably wouldn't have changed much.http://www.topix.net/city/aplington-ia/2008/05/son-reflects-on-parents-tornado-death-they-... |