SwimFinsSFRandom irrelevant ramblings from a gay geek in San FranciscoDAMN- November 25, 2006 I was futzing with templates on a private blog that I have up here and the changes I made to that blasted my template for my main blog... GRRRRRR... And I put that template together so long ago that I don't really remember how I built it... I'll do a little poking around to see if I can re-create it... But i'm betting this may be an excuse to move to WP and try something new.. So in the mean time forgive the stock template - don't have much time to fix it right now... DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN...http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/damn_1.html Lonesome- November 24, 2006 Dandelion Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF. I'm sitting here trying to be helpful as Kevin packs for his big adventure and feeling kind of blue.. (OK.. REALLY Blue)... Kevin is taking the opportunity to take a few months off (4 or 5) from work and go to Central and South America to learn Spanish, volunteer, and explore.. Its a really great opportunity and I'm really excited for him.. But now that the day is arriving I'm also really sad that he's going to be away for so long...http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/lonesome.html A visit to Dad and Dory's- November 20, 2006 Farm on a Lake Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF. We just got back from a visit to Dad and Dory's new place in Gettysburg. Since I don't think I've mentioned it before, my dad recently got engaged and decided to move in with his new lady. They found a really cool new place out in Gettysburg, PA and he had to pack up and get out of the house he'd lived in since I was in kindergarten (or before). Now that they're all settled in they invited Kevin and I to come visit and be their.http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/a_visit_to_dad_and_dorys.html Slow and steady...- November 16, 2006 Kitchen Cabinets Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF. So the whole remodel process continues to make me nuts... And, in return, i'm sure i'm making our contractor and architects nuts... But we're finally starting to see some really cool progress again.. As of today we have a nearly finished floor (i'll tell y'all about that), walls, skylight... But the best part of it is our kitchen cupboards are in as well as our big cool tub (its a monster) and the new sink and countertops......http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/slow_and_steady.html Cabo Pix as Promised- November 9, 2006 Plaza Calafia, Los Cabos, 10-30-2006 Originally uploaded by PapaAndDaddy. OK.. I know I'm WAY late but this has been a busy few weeks with the remodel and Kevin heading off for North Carolina... But here are the pictures from our trip to cabo which was great. I was actually lazy and waited for Brian to post the pictures (since he's the one who took 90% of them anyway). The public pictures are posted up here but you will have to ping brian to ask him to let yo usee some of the...http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/cabo_pix_as_promised.html Don't forget- November 7, 2006 To Vote.... cuz if you don't you don't have the right to bitch about things being f-ed up... 'nuff said... Happy Tuesday! :)http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/dont_forget_1.html Back to Reality- November 5, 2006 Uggg... Some times coming back from vacation is particularly harsh... We spent the past week in a super cool condo in Cabo San Lucas Mexico... The timing work and otherwise was REALLY bad but we planned the trip so far in advance that I couldn't skip out... The week was relaxing and just what I needed to recharge so I could dive into things back here with energy again.. Or so I thought.. Then we came home to our remodel project and I just want to scream.. Or cry... Or something... Everyone I.http://www.swimfinssf.com/2006/11/back_to_reality.html |